Wharekai Re-development - Te Runanga o Moeraki
20 Dec 2017
The Otago Community Trust was pleased to provide a $50,000 donation to Te Runanga o Moeraki in November of last year. This donation assisted with the major re-development of the Marae kitchen facilities. Kaihautu Mary-Anne Tipa sent these wonderful photos in recently of the finished facilities.
Moeraki has a strong culture of supporting a wide range of community groups both Maori and non Maori for hui wananga, Learning Experiences Outside the Classroom and Civil Defence meetings. The Marae is intergral to this local community and the provision of kai at community meetings is important for bringing people together and strenghtening community bonds. The Marae re-development means the kitchen meets all the health and safety requirements relating to the operation of a commerical kitchen. The new facility can cater for groups/whanau ranging in number from 30-200 people.