Our Tamariki and Rangatahi Strategy 2022 - 2027
All tamariki and rangatahi in Otago are valued, accepted and empowered to lead fulfilled lives. They are healthy, happy and their wellbeing is nurtured.
The Trust reconfirms as a priority funding area the advancing of the interests of tamariki and rangatahi (children and young people) of Otago.
The intent of this strategy is to provide support to groups and activities which seek to raise resilience and increase capacity among tamariki and rangatahi, having particular regard to the adverse effects of disadvantage, discrimination and exclusion.
Our Priority
All tamariki and rangatahi in Otago are valued, accepted and empowered to lead fulfilled lives. They are healthy, happy and their wellbeing is nurtured.
We will prioritise tamariki and rangatahi, aged 0-24, who are:
- Māori
- Pasifika
- Former refugees
- New migrants
- Members of the Rainbow community
- Experiencing mental health issues
- People living with a disability, rurally or in isolation, and
- Facing hardship
Our Approach
- Supporting groups, systems, environments, initiatives and activities that:
- seek to increase social equity and reduce disadvantage, discrimination, and exclusion among tamariki and rangatahi
- promote and enhance opportunities for participation by tamariki and rangatahi
- take a whole of whānau approach
- Supporting capability investment for groups working with tamariki and rangatahi
- Enabling rangatahi-led initiatives.
In considering support under this strategy the Trust will take into account the principles of positive youth development in Aotearoa and seek to direct support to initiatives and services that focus on:
- developing the whole person,
- developing connected communities,
- strengths-based activities,
- encouraging respectful relationships,
- building ownership and empowerment.
Our Committment
Our committment to you will be delivered through four key actions:
The Trust commits to working in partnership with the sector and with tamariki and rangatahi themselves to direct our strategy, respecting the invaluable knowledge they have to contribute.
We commit to applying the principles of Te Tiriti Waitangi to our relationships.
The Trust will devote sufficient resources (including staff and/or contractors and funds) to support the strategy.
The Trust will adopt assessment criteria for applications and funding opportunities which ensure suitable levels of support are directed to its priority areas. The Trust will adopt application processes, and means of allocating funds, which minimise formal barriers.
The Trust is committed to demonstrating the outcomes of this strategy. We will work alongside organisations to measure and evaluate initiatives in a meaningful and practical way. We will also evaluate ourselves, calling on our partners to provide feedback on our performance in delivering on this strategy.
We are committed to delivering on our Tamariki & Rangatahi Strategy and our vision that all tamariki and rangatahi in Otago are valued, accepted and empowered to lead fulfilled lives. They are healthy, happy and their wellbeing is nurtured.
Otago Community Trust announced on 28th March 2022 that it will invest up to $10 million over the next five years into organisations and initiatives that seek to support the regions young people. This investment will be made through the introduction of three new funds aimed at lifting the capability of young people in the Otago region.
Details on the Impact for Tamariki & Rangatahi Fund, Tamariki & Rangatahi Sector Capability Fund and Rangatahi-led Fund can be found below.