Support for Volunteering Fund
7 Apr 2017
The ‘Support for Volunteering’ fund is now open. This fund provides government grants for community projects that support and promote volunteering in New Zealand. We are a little biased but our Otago volunteers are among the best, so don't miss out on submitting an application that can support your group in 2017.
Last year the fund supported Volunteering New Zealand, regional volunteer centres and a number of volunteering projects looking at building community strength and this year the fund is looking for the same mix again. Our very own Snow Sports NZ was one of the successful recipients for the specialised training they provide for Snow Sports NZ volunteers who are working to help people with disabilities ski.
The Otago Community Trust would encourage any Otago group looking to support or promote volunteering to apply for the fund.
Applications for the DIA administered fund opened on 22 March 2017 and close on 3 May 2017.
Learn more here: Support for Volunteering Fund