Boundary Adjustment Proposal
9 May 2019
Community Trust South and Otago Community Trust are proposing an alteration to their common boundary, which is the northern boundary of Community Trust South.
This boundary adjustment will extend the Community Trust South area to include the portion of the Southland District up to Awarua Point in the north west and extend the area within Queenstown Lakes District to include the whole of the Queenstown Ward area. The proposed new boundary will follow the current District and Ward boundaries between Awarua Point and Roaring Meg Creek.
Community Trust South and Otago Community Trust do not propose any transfer of funds between the two Trust’s in relation to the proposed boundary adjustment.
The specified area of a Trust is the geographic area within which the Trust can make grants. The specified areas of each Trust were set when the Trusts were established in 1988 and were reflective of the operating area of each of the predecessor Trustee Savings Banks at that time.
To better understand the proposed boundary adjustment please have a look at the maps here.
Proposed New Otago Community Trust Boundary Map

Otago Community Trust Boundary Map 2019
2019 PDF 9842 KB
Proposed New Otago Community Trust Boundary Map - Southern Boundary Detail

Southern Boundary Detail Map 2019
2019 PDF 671 KB
Specified Area
The proposed adjusted boundary would create the specified area for Otago Community Trust as follows:
Waitaki, Central Otago and Dunedin Districts
Queenstown Lakes District excepting the Queenstown Community area.
Clutha District excepting those parts described as:
a) The part of the West Otago Ward, west of a line commencing at a point in the Rankle Burn at NZTM 1319150mE 4905174mN; thence north by right line to the south-west corner of Lot B DP 1845 (Otago); thence north-east and north along the south-eastern and eastern boundaries of Block XIV Crookston Survey District to the southeastern corner of Pt Section 8 of the said Block XIV; thence north-westerly by right line through Trig O in Block VI Crookston Survey District and the production of that line to its intersection with the northern boundary of Section 57 Block VI Benger Survey District, a point on the northern boundary of the said Ward. And, south of a line commencing at a point in the Pomahaka River, on the north-eastern boundary of the said Ward, at NZTM 1302196mE 4936982mN; thence south-westerly along the middle line of the Pomahaka River to a point at NZTM 1299453mE 4934407mN; thence northerly by right line to a point on the southern boundary of Run 609 at NZTM 1299419mE 4934487mN; thence generally north-westerly along the generally south-western boundary of Run 609 to a point at NZTM 1293370mE 4940085mN; thence due west by right line to its intersection with the western boundary of Clutha District.
b) The part of Clinton Ward north of a line commencing at a point in the Waipahi River at NZTM 1301265mE 4882278mN; thence by right line to a point on the northern boundary of Lot 2 DP 22284 (Otago) at NZTM 1303143mE 4882623mN; thence easterly and south-easterly along the northern boundary of the said Lot 2 to its eastern-most corner; thence north to the northern-most point of Lot 1 DP 332243 (Otago); thence south-easterly along the north-eastern boundaries of the said Lot 1, Section 19 Block XVI Waipahi Survey District and Lot 4 DP 332243 to the easternmost point of the said Lot 4; thence by right line to a point on the middle line of Waipahi Station Road at NZTM 1308288mE 4880581mN; thence generally north-easterly along the middle line of the said Road to a point in line with the south-western boundary of Section 23 Block VI Waipahi Survey District; thence by right line to the south-western corner of Section 6 Block VI Waipahi Survey District; thence north and east along the west and north boundaries of the said Section 6 to its north-eastern corner; thence east along the north boundary of Section 29 Block VI Waipahi Survey District to its north-eastern corner; thence north-easterly by right line to a point on the Clinton Ward boundary at NZTM 1311957mE 4882767mN.
If you have further queries with regard to this proposed boundary adjustment please contact:
Otago Community Trust
PO Box 5751, Dunedin 9058
For further information please contact:
Otago Community Trust
Phone: 03 479 0994