$1.8m grant awarded to Central Otago Queenstown Trail Network 1 Oct 2018
Our latest round of grants can be viewed here
Our latest round of grants can be viewed here
Otago Community Trust has reflected on another positive year at its 30th Annual Public Meeting held in Dunedin last week.
The Archibald Baxter Memorial Trust has received a significant boost from the latest round of grants.
Otago Community Trust approved over $960,000 to Otago regional sporting bodies at its recent board meeting held in Balclutha last Tuesday.
Trust announces one of the largest funding rounds of recent times.
$66,500 grant secured for Roys Peak communication facility
The First Church has received a funding boost of $125,000 from the Otago Community Trust. The donation will assist with the major restoration project currently being undertaken on the church spire. First Church announced last week that it would start a public appeal to fund the $600,000 refurbishment of the towering 56.4m spire after much more restoration work was found to be required due to the Church’s Category 1 Heritage New Zealand classification.
Otago Community Trust has wrapped up its funding for 2017 with over $2.6 million in donations approved for Otago community groups.
The Upper Clutha Tracks Trust (UCTT) has received a funding boost from the latest round of donations from the Otago Community Trust. A $30,000 donation was awarded to the UCTT to support the development of the Hawea Flat Link Track. UCTT treasurer John Wellington said it has long been the desire of the Hawea Flat Community to be able to get to Albert Town more directly along the route of the closed Newcastle Road.
The Greater Green Island Community has received a significant boost from the latest round of donations from the Otago Community Trust.
The Otago Community Trust Learning Impact Fund starts to gather momentum. The Trust launched its new Learning Impact Fund on 1 April 2017 with the aim to encourage new thinking and collaboration. The Fund has been delivered in two tranches, the $1.5million $for$ fund and a separate Innovation Fund. Each fund has been set up as a three-year programme to help assist projects which support the education of Otago’s young people.
The Otago Community Trust invested $7.5 million into the Otago community over the last year. Around 80 people attended its Annual Public Meeting held in Dunedin on August 22. The Trust reported a positive year, its Investment Portfolio returning $22.5 million, representing a return of 9.2 percent.