Ōtepoti Rangatahi-Led Fund

Now Open! Applications close 7th April

Ōtepoti Rangatahi led banner

About us

We are a group of young people from Ōtepoti Dunedin with funds to support youth-led projects and events within the Dunedin City Council Boundaries. We want to hear any ideas that you have that we could help you with. 

We want to fund projects and events that:
  • are run by passionate rangatahi.
  • promote diversity, accessibility and inclusivity.
  • will help rangatahi connect.
  • are new, creative ideas 
How much can you apply for?

You can apply for a maximum of $5000 for each project.

Who can apply? 
How do you apply?
Applications Close 7th April 2024

Rangatahi-Led Fund Logo




Important Info:
  1. You will need to have an organisation to hold the money for you. This might be your school, church, marae or youth group. If you don't have someone who can do this for you, don't worry we can help you find someone.
  2. There are a few things we can’t fund, including scholarships or sponsorships; Retrospective costs i.e. We can’t pay you back for something you have already done; political parties or groups aligned with political parties Check out our Frequently Asked Questions for the full list or contact us with your idea and we can let you know if it fits the criteria.
Download the Rangatahi-Led Fund Poster

Rangtahi-Led Fund Poster Ōtepoti


Helpful Resources:

If you are unsure how to write a budget for your project, use the resources below, or get in touch with us.

Rangatahi-Led Budget TEMPLATE

Rangatahi-Led Budget EXAMPLE


Contact us:

If you have any questions or need any help please contact us, we would love to hear from you. Send us an email and one of group members will get back to you.

Email: rangatahi@oct.org.nz

Phone: 0800 10 12 40

Or you might know one of the rangatahi who are leading the fund, they will be happy to answer your questions:

  • Adeleah NukanukaDunedin Rangatahi Led Fund Roopu 2024
  • Meischarla Pinn
  • Arina Aizal
  • Blake Armstrong
  • Zoe McElrea
  • Adison Nukanuka
  • Lucy Ma'ole
  • Ethan Te Raki
  • Rani Crossan
  • Tabitha Hildyard
  • Isabella Miscisco